MFA|EDA Bragdeck Roundup - Fall 2022

Introducing the MFA | EDA Class of 2023

Erin Espelie (’14) contributed an essay to the Art & Science issue ofissue of Tilt West Journal (vol 4, October 2022).

Talena Sanders (’13) is a contributor to Canyon Cinemazine #6. Check out the esteemed lineup here.

Anna Kipervaser (’15) tells us With The Tide, with the tide screens at Kinoskop Analog Experimental Film Festival in Belgrade, Serbia – Dec 2-4; How a Sprig of Fir Would Replace a Feather screens at Harkat 16mm Festival in Mumbai, India – Dec 9-11; and in ocula oculorum screened at Camera Obscura’s Eighth Annual Reportin Petaluma, California – Nov 18-20, and at Istanbul International Experimental Film Festival in Istanbul, Turkey – Nov 23-27.

After Sherman by Jon Sesrie-Goff (’16) is nominated for the Cinema Eye Honors in the Spotlight section.

Juan Velazquez (’23) is screening “Eastern Standard Time / Eastern Daylight Time” in the 2022 Student Experimental Film Festival in Binghamton. More details here.

Gabi Glueck (’23) has an episode on the Eat This Podcast: “A Restaurant’s Reckoning: Is It Okay To Eat At Piggie Park?” Check it out here.

Simone Barros (’23) is exhibiting And So She Works…From Home…As Does She, a dual-projection 16mm performance with optical sound, in the Mono No Aware XVI Cinema Arts Festival, Nov 30-Dec 4.

Vann Powell (’23) is curating a show for Float Magazine, titled Instant Gratification. Find info about the free Open Call regarding instant film practice here.

MFA|EDAs in this week’s Cucalorus Film Festival:  In the Weeds by Laura Asherman (’23) & Charley Watson (’23), Home by Yasaman Baghban (’23), Nonlinear Body by Laura Asherman (’23) & Leo Ryan, and After Sherman by Jon Sesrie-Goff (’16).

How a Sprig of Fir Would Replace a Feather by Anna Kipervaser(’15) screened at Microscope Gallery on November 13, and is available to view online here. The multi-artist multi-media program also includes work from friend of MFA|EDA Sabine Gruffat.

Smile Little Ladybug by Laura Asherman (’23) will be playing at the Carrboro Film Festival Saturday, November 19 at 1:15pm

Tamika Galanis (’16) is a participating artist in Flora Fantastic: Eco-Critical Contemporary Botanical Art, which opened November 4 at APEXART.

Verena, a new project in development from Talena Sanders (’13) was selected for the B3 Biennial of the Moving Image Talent Forum.

Quicker Than Coal Ash by Will Warasila (’20)published by Gnomic Books, launched at Paris Photo and is now available for pre-order. The project was Will’s 2020 MFA|EDA thesis exhibition, and the book features an essay by Alexa Dilworth.

Tom Rankin wrote the foreword for O.N. Pruitt’s Possum Town: Photographing Trouble and resilience in the American South, selected by Photo-Eye as Book of the Week.

Kristin Bedford (’14) exhibits Cruise Night in a solo show at Galerie Catherine et André Hug in Paris, opening November 3.

Zaire MacPhearson (’20) exhibits For Colored Girls at Bright Black, on view now through December 17.

Two items for Vann Powell (’23): Vann’s review of Shane Rocheleau’s monograph Lakeside for Float Magazine can be found here. Vann’s book, Points of Entry, published by Benschop Books, will debut on Friday November 4 at the Boston Art Book Fair.

Anna Kipervaser (’15) screens With The Tide, with the tide at the Enguage Experimental Film Festival in Seattle, November 2-5, and in ocula oculorum at the Istanbul Experimental Film FestivalNovember 23-27.

Congratulations to the 2022 Dean’s Research Award recipients from the MFA|EDA:  Shiraz Ahmed, Laura Asherman, Yasaman Baghban, Matt Barbarino, Simone Barros, Lou Bennett, Vitoria Bitencourt, Madison Cavalchire, Sherly Fan, Gabi Glueck, Maddie Hill, Tash Lehner, Vann Powell, Max Schulte, Maddie Stambler, Juan Velazquez Jr., Charley Watson, Trista Weng, Hareth Yousef and Nora Zubizarreta.

Jolene Mok (’13) is an Artist In Residence with the Serlachius Fine Arts Foundation in Finland.

Ivy Nicole-Jonet (’22) is a 2022 NeXt Doc Fellow

Jon-Sesrie Goff (’16) was awarded the Gordon Parks Award for Black Excellence in Filmmaking at the 2022 Tallgrass Film Festival for his film After Sherman.

libi rose striegl (’15) will present her talk, The Art of Un-forgetting, at the AIGA Design Conference in Seattle October 20.

in ocula oculorum by Anna Kipervaser (’15) screens at Revolutions Per Minute Festival in Boston Oct 18-23, at Lausanne Underground Film and Music Festival in Switzerland Oct 19-23, and at Antimatter in Victoria, British Columbia.

Photographs by Alex Harris were included in an exhibition celebrating E.O. Wilson and their collaboration, Why We Are here; Mobile and the Spirit of a Southern City, at E.O. Wilson Day, October 7 in Mobile.

Duke MFAs in the 2022 Cucalorus Film Festival: Home by Yasaman Baghban (’23) , After Sherman by Jon Sesrie-Goff(’16), In the Weeds by Laura Asherman (’23) and Charley Watson (’23), and Nonlinear Body by Laura Asherman (’23) andLeo Ryan (MFA-EIP).

Jonna McKone (’15) received a 2022 American Stories Doc Fellowship Grant from CNN Films and Points North Institute.

Zaire MacPhearson (’20) exhibits For Colored Girls at Bright Black, on view now through December 17.

Two items for Vann Powell (’23): Vann’s review of Shane Rocheleau’s monograph Lakeside for Float Magazine can be found here. Vann’s book, Points of Entry, published by Benschop Books, will debut on Friday November 4 at the Boston Art Book Fair.

Anna Kipervaser (’15) screens With The Tide, with the tide at the Enguage Experimental Film Festival in Seattle, November 2-5, and in ocula oculorum at the Istanbul Experimental Film FestivalNovember 23-27.

Alex Morelli (’20) named among the 25 New Faces of Film by Filmmaker Magazine. 2018 visiting artist Erin Johnson too. Congrats all.

How to Explain Your Mental Illness to Stanley Kubrick by Philip Brubaker (’13) is streaming via the Mental Filmness Festival until Nov 6.

Fati Abubakar (’20) has launched an arts education non-profit focused on education and digital literacy. The first phase of the project is the Kanem Creative collective. Learn more and see the Open Calls at

Quicker Than Coal Ash by Will Warasila (’20) will be published by Gnomic Book and will launch at Paris Photo in November. The project was Will’s 2020 MFA|EDA thesis exhibition, and the book features an essay by Alexa Dilworth.

MFA|EDA director Tom Rankin contributed an essay and images to Southern Spaces: A Journal About Real and Imagined Spaces and Places of the US South and Their Global Connections (Emory University). Find the essay, Covid Light and Darkness Alike, here.

Kristin Bedford (’14) exhibits Cruise Night in a solo show at Galerie Catherine et AndréHug in Paris, November 3 – December 17.

Alina Taalman (’15) screens Kolmas Punkt (her Full Frame and Cassilhaus Travel Fellowship film) at Analogica, November 10-15.

Harlan Campbell will exhibit his commissioned work, Silver Harvest: A History of Now, at Click! Photography Festival, opening October 21, at the Durham Arts Council’s Semans Gallery.

Yasaman Baghban (’23) has been awarded the 2022-2023 Religions and Public Life Initiative Graduate Fellowship at the Kenan Institute for Ethics.

Lou Bennett (’23) illustrated Cardinal by Marty Silverthorne, for the September issue of Walter Magazine.

Smile Little Ladybug by Laura Asherman (’23) is the Jewish Film Institute’s Short Film of the Month.

Will Warasila (’20) shares a Burnaway excerpt from Twilight III: Permit S502408, an in-progress collaboration with Elena Peterman and Junior Walk.

Tamika Galanis (’16) has been named a 2022-2023 Emory Arts Fellow.

John Rash (’14) won Southdocs’ Best Short Documentary award for his film Sam Wang: Centripetal Persistence.

How to Explain Your Mental Illness to Stanley Kubrick, by Philip Brubaker (’13), was a finalist for Best Experimental Film at the 2022 Polish International Film Festival.

 MFA|EDA director Tom Rankin is a recent guest of the 27 Views podcast. Listen to Episode 2: Chasing Goats with Tom Rankin here. And while you’re there, check out Episode 1: Remembering Dinner with Randall Kenan.

Talena Sanders (’13) is Artist in Residence at La Clinica, and is exhibiting in The Coronation, Aug 19-Oct 16.

Sarah Garrahan (’14) edited Silent Beauty by director Jasmin Mara López, which premiered at the Blackstar Film Festival.

Anna Kipervaser (’15) is a Manifest Artist in Residence and VSW Artist in Residence, and her film How a Sprig of Fir Would Replace a Feather will screen at Mono No Aware in their Open Air Screening Series, from dusk till dawn Sept 2-4. Visible from 72 Rockwell Place, Brooklyn, NY. Donations go to Ukraine TrustChain.

Congratulations to post-MFA Teaching Fellows for 2022-23: Archer Boyette (’21) and Nathan Borradaile Wright (’22)

Smile Little Ladybug by Laura Asherman (’23) won Best Short Documentary at the Atlanta Children’s Film Festival, exhibited at the Macon and Sidewalk film festivals, and will screen at the upcoming Footcandle Film Festival.

Juan L. Velazquez (’23) has been named the 2022-23 Kenan Institute for Ethics Graduate Arts Fellow.

Vitoria Bitencourt (’23) curated Intimate Visions, on view through Sept 25 at the Power Plant Gallery.

Vann Powell (’23) is a participating photographer in Slow Exposures. His image Bridge Over the Alamance was selected for the September 2022 festival.

Duke and CDS alumna and MFA|EDA visiting artist Gwendolyn Oxenham has a new podcast: Hustle Rule. Check it out.

Kinship by Jill McCorkle and Tom Rankin is featured in the South Writ Large Summer 2022 post.

We are very proud to learn that There’s a Hellhound on Your Trail, the MFA|EDA 2015 Commencement Address delivered by Randall Kenan, is included in Black Folk Could Fly, a posthumous collection of essays recently published by WW Norton, and featured in the New York Times Book Review.
